Location:en > Application > Pharmaceutical > LVP >

Filtration Purpose:
Prefilter: To remove the particles, colloid, extending the life of fine filters followed
Fine filter: to remove low biological load, sterile filtration
Filtration Demand:
Safety: Filters should be of good mechanical strength to bear the high pressure and high flow rate during bottling process.
Stability: Filters should provide stable filtration flow rate and efficiency. Bacteria free, No living bacteria in LVP
Recommended Products:

Item Filtration Stage Recommended Products:
1 Pre-filtration Metal Filter
2 Pre-filtration LPPE、LPPG、LPPH
3 Fine filtration LPS
4 Pre filtration LPPE、LPPG、LPPH
5 Sterile filtration LPS、LDPS
6 Sterile air vent LPFB
